To become good at this game shit
--by that you know who you are, what you put up with, having standards, if you don't stand for something you fall for anything. having the confidence in your own abilities
The second is something that Pua Pook covered well, is
, bust your ass in the gym, a buddy of mine told a chick who wanted to get with him that she was gonna have to change her lifestyle so she did, she went from a 5 to a 9. and now looks like a young Sophia Lauren
this isn't theory this is life
some of you guys are online all day and need to get your fat ass's off the computer.....(picture time saying this with his Australian accent, "awesome")
more to come later.....
Aries asking for a date =
+ the lack of social anxiety.
Working out is great, not just because you'll look better. The best thing you can do to build confidence IMO is to hit the gym and be focused on your work/studies/hobbies/whatever.
Much better than reading stupid self-help books or paying $$$$ for some shit hypnosis or useless feel good seminar.